~  Rejuvanew Health  ~

We Can Help You Start a New Rejuvenated Life!


Hello, my name is Philip Jones.

I am not a practitioner, nor do I hold any degrees or certificates in diet,

nutrition, or healing practices. (I have a BA in Psych, from many years ago)

However, I have been researching and studying natural and

 holistic health, nutrition, supplements, healing practices, protocols,

doctors, and practitioners for 40 years!

As a result, I have a many varied perspective, and education on

Holistic health and healing.

I have been told that I am valuable for anyone seeking to

better their health, slowing and reversing aging,

or for “overcoming specific disorders”.

I can give one references to a number of doctors,

practitioners, practices and protocols.

I can also provide one with “my educated opinion”

 on any health practices or protocols, or doctors or practitioners…

one may be looking into.

The assistance I can offer can be rather valuable to help one

to find greater clarity and in expanding one’s understanding with

any particular protocol (or doctor/practitioner) one maybe considering using…

and (of course) with the all important savings of time, as well!

My goal is to help you to use your efforts, money and time most effectively…

to achieve your optimal health, and/or to create “greater wellness” Quickly!

with any health difficulties you may have.

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However, like a doctor, or practitioner…

I can not “guarantee” results (either)

I see my role more as a teacher, guide, or “consultant”

to help you in your journey and education to obtain greater empowerment

with your personal health.

One will need to sign a “disclaimer and agreement” that my

“services” are only of that of a “consultant and teacher, only”…

for educational purposes onlyand that any choices one will be making

will be ultimately of their own discretion, and responsibility.

I will try my best to provide you the best and fullest information,

to afford you to the opportunity to make the most qualified

educated choices with your health.

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That being said...

I have discovered a couple of protocols from all my years of research,

which I have found to be quite effective in relieving chronic disorders...

Including the most difficult circumstances!

with exceptional results, much of the time!…

(of course, it is dependent on the degree of the individual’s illness,

their general vitality… and how willing they are to release into

the changes necessary for their “healing” to be possible!)

The first one is a “profound and rapid” cleansing and

 rejuvenation program, (physical & emotional) involving

cleansing of the colon (gently)... the liver, the blood, the major organs,

and the whole body… regenerating the immune system and

 assisting in one in “shifting their emotional/spiritual perspective”…

in a new rejuvenated way, so as to begin living in a...


New Paradigm for a Refreshing New Lifestyle!

They typically are successful in having rapid results in only Eight D a y s !....

Which other cleansing programs will typically take > 1 to 2 months! <

And with a 22 year history comprising of 5,000 Clients!...

with people ranging from 9 to 90!

I believe they have more than sufficiently substantiated...

Their Efficacy!

It is the most impressive and powerful rapid cleansing / health changing

program I’ve found in all my years of  research.

However, “It doesn’t come cheap”!

They charge $3,600, and are out of state from California…

so that doesn’t include the air fare, the housing for you and

your companion and their meals.

The second program is similar, but takes eleven days

for the predominate part of the cleanse.


It only costs around $500, and can be done in the comfort

of one’s home, with support (over the phone) provided by the supplier and myself.

(it is also recommended, if possible to have someone assist

you through this “dramatic challenge”!)

One can also realize impressive results with this protocol, as well!

Similar to the first one, there is (of course) much more one would need to

in order to sincerely have a meaningful and permanent change in one’s health.

One would need to change to an “optimum” diet…  as well as,

ultimately change to a considerable more healthier lifestyle!

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These and other health practices I know of (including stem cell therapy)...

I have found to also be powerful and effective for those who
May just be wishing to improver their health”... and/or

~   Slow or Reverse the Aging Process!   ~

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I also have access to a totally new Energetic Quantum Healing Technology...

It does treatments, which will remove “Energetic Blocks”...

and rebalance one's “Energetic Field”...

Thereby creating better health!

You can read about it at:


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This cleansing program is the Health & Healing Part” of a greater

Total Transformative Process...

I call...

“The Metamorphosis Process”

for more information on this...

~   please go to   ~



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Thank you for your time, and interest in reading my message…

If you feel a service like mine may be of value to you…

Please feel free to call me at… 310-713-1161

Or contact me at: rejuvanew@yahoo.com

Best of Health!...

Yours, Philip Jones

A Perspective on

Holistic Natural Health Practices

Ref: Degenerative Disorders


This is to give one a general overview of the perspective

on how Holistic doctors and practitioners view disease and

the effective treatments and protocols they use to remedy them.

Just a few of generations back (100 years or so) doctors “treated the

(whole) person”… not “just the disease”! This has pretty much

“gone to the wayside” in the past 30 to 50 years.

Back then, they didn’t have all these “new fangled” testing and

surgery techniques and sophisticated pharmaceuticals which we have today…

BUT they used their intuition and their “care” as much as their training. 

They worked with the patient as much as they could to try to explain to

them how to live a healthier lifestyle… and as to what they were doing wrong,

which was likely contributing to their problems. At times, they even also needed

to be act as a “psychotherapist & family counselor” as much as a medical doctor!

Back then, cancer was so unusual, that doctors would come from

“miles around” just to see it, and to learn more about it!

The topic I am focusing on in this paper has to do mostly with

“degenerative” disorders. This excludes severe problems such as from injuries

(auto accidents etc.), and strong “acute” infections one might acquire, such as

Hepatitis or MRSA… (although, ultimately these can also be treated with holistic practices as well,

but it is not the focus of this paper… and I do believe in what I loosely call: “Advanced First Aid”

i.e. Sophisticated Emergency Surgery Techniques used with things like… automobile accidents).

Degenerative disorders are those which have developed over the years

from unhealthy diets, lifestyles, and accumulated toxins, which contribute

to greater demands on our immune system and the lowering our general vitality.

Combined, these can cause “premature ageing”, a myriad of complaints...

and potentially – ultimately cancer!

With the highly toxic and stressful conditions of our modern society,

it is no wonder most of us eventually acquire these kinds

of aliments (and often cancer) in our later years.

It turns out the “remedy” for most all of these disorders,

 is pretty much the same!….  i.e. detoxing, changing one’s eating habits,

lifestyle and rebuilding our immune system.

It starts by doing a sophisticated form of “cleansing” or “detoxing”

to rid the body of the toxic metals, chemical molecules

and pathogenic microbes which have accumulated over the years.

In conjunction with programs to help rejuvenate our immune system,

the digestive system, and our whole general systemic vitality...

it is possible to have the our metabolism and organs begin to function

more like they did when we were younger!

It has been found just recently, within the last few years, that the most two

 harmful things which can contribute seriously to the degeneration of one’s health,

 as we age are: inflammation and STRESS! - (how we deal with modern living and our

“subconscious” emotional / spiritual makeup)

Cancer is the genetic degeneration to our cells! … from the ultimate failure

 of our immune system to cope with all this growing inflammation,

buildup of toxins, lack of quality nutrition and our unhealthy

lifestyle habits… (and STRESS!)

Most people don’t realize that a “tumor” is just a final stage of the body

“emergency attempt to isolate” these growing degenerate tissues…

 (which are like a “renegade living thing” - parasitically living off the healthy normal tissues –

from having “lost their structure of our genetic codes”).

It is an indication that our immune functions have now

been finally sufficiently systemically compromised!...

and that removing the tumor

will not remove the underlying root causes which have created it!

A Tumor Is Just “an Indicator” of The Level of One’s Toxic Load…

The Body’s Compromised Immune System and

Incapacity to Keep Up With This Burden!

Consequently, no “cure” can be effective without first deeply detoxing

the body in a really powerful effective way, and having the

individual start a whole new healthier diet and lifestyle.

In other words, the individual “must cleanse & change their

lifestyle considerablyfor it to truly have a lasting effect.

Unfortunately, for most “mature people” this is usually

quite a bit more difficult than they can easily deal with

or than they would expect (or they would prefer!)

As we age our habits and “unconscious beliefs” become so engrained

as to make it nearly impossible for us to change to the degree necessary

for the treatment to really be effective...   

i.e. “it is often too hard for us to do what’s necessary…

for us to be able to change – That Much!

As I’m sure you can then realize, this causes an obvious dilemma

for the patient is asking the doctor; “Can you heal me?!...

what must I do the get rid of this cancer?!

but a Holistic doctor will need to somehow gently help them

to realize that they must drastically change how they have been living for

30 to 50 years… to the point of what feels like they are...


I think anyone can see this is a severe problem!

So, I like to let people know, “up front”… “This is what it entails…

and are you ready to make a considerable change in your life?!”

With this being said, ironically THIS is the “difficult” part of the “remedy”.

Next to this… the protocols are actually rather mundane and mechanical…

just very “discomforting”!


“One’s ‘Bad Living Habits’ Are The Greatest Impedance To

Their RecoveryFrom Serious Health Conditions!”


What is needed to be truly healthy, (or to become more healthy)…

 is a deep detoxing cleanse, a good diet, some exercise,

learning how to “de-stress”, having a positive attitude about life and themselves…

 and some activity which give one’s life meaning, fulfillment, purpose and enjoyment!”...

for “if one doesn’t really enjoy being here”…

it is nearly impossible to get them to be healthy!!!

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That is the basics; Detoxing, start a “healthier lifestyle”, learning how

to “de-stress”, keeping active, enjoying life…

and ALSO… what doctors are now finally realizing how important it is to

have a lot of good bacteria and other micro-organisms

(“probiotics”) living in our digestive system.

This is paramount in order for us to truly expect to live in genuine good

health and to have a functioning digestive system…

and a strong immune system for protection against

serious degenerative disorders (like cancer)!

It is called: “The Human Microbiome”. It consists of “sizable mass”

 (1 to 4 lbs!) of trillions of cells (much smaller than ours,

and greater in number by 8 times!) of a thousand or so different organisms

(other than our own tissue) which “co-exist” in our intestines!...

so we are more of an “US” than a “ME”!... 

(a “place of residence for them to live in”?!)

You can read all about it in Wikipedia at:


Also, if you “Google” it, you will find many more sites describing it.


So, to conclude:

Yes, as a “Holistic Nutritionist” (with 40 years of experience, but no certificates)

I can help teach most anyone to learn what they must do to

achieve genuine “good health”… and rid themselves of most all

“degenerative disorders” (including cancer)


They are willing to “go the gauntlet” by enduring some

“rather uncomfortable challenges”

“stick with it” - and be willing to sincerely change their lifestyle and

something deep inside themselves!


To your best health, Philip Jones


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Part II

Here, I will share a few references to some of the things

I’ve learned over the years.

I witnessed both my parents pass from cancer in the `90’s!

I have been going the Cancer Control for ten years…

and other health conferences, for even longer.


The conventional medical world of Allopathic Medicine,

it is designed to suppress or mask symptoms.

 Like taking an Advil for a headache,

which is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory (OTC) medicine.

It doesn’t do anything to “fix” (or “cure?”) the source of the headache.

Its goal is more to just relieve the discomfort,

and hope the body with its “magic and wisdom” can heal itself,

while you’ve lessoned the pain.

The curriculum of education to become a MD doctor doesn’t include

 much of their study on any “actual cure” of the sources of what

may be really creating the disorders. It all changed back in the

1920’s when the medical industry went from Naturopathic &

Homeopathic treatments to Allopathic protocols.

(and were funded by the pharmaceutical industry!)

They found there was so much more (quick) money to be made in

selling pills which make the patient feel better quickly,

and not forcing them to actually deal with the genuine underlying causes of

their disorders! The “Quick Fix”… or “Fast Relief!”

Consequently, you now can probably begin to see why our

health parameters are in such a mess as they are today!

Author Raymond Francis has written a book called: “Never Be Sick Again”.

In it he elaborates on this subject, and how after having gone through

12 years of pills and more pills…. only to get sicker and sicker.

He was a science professor and decided that he was not sick from a

“deficiency of the pharmaceuticals he was taking!”

He searched out natural treatments and was eventually able to heal himself.

He states: “There is only one (degenerative) disease… and only one ‘cure’…

that is to clean the body and give it the quality nutrients it really needs…

(and not the ‘empty calories’ of processed foods!)”. He found a ten year study in Italy,

with 11,000 patients which clinically proved this out!

I wholly recommend this book for the “novice” entering into the

learning about natural health treatments and how it differs

from what Medical Doctors practice.

In Oncology (treatments for cancer) in the United States they are only

taught and are allowed to use, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy …

what we loosely call – “Cut, Burn and Poison”! 

The Oncologist must be licensed to administer these highly toxic drugs

and from their office only! They make over $120,000 per year just

from the sale of these drugs… (besides the fees from their practice!!)


The FDA has been infiltrated with the board members

from the Pharmaceutical companies!...

so much so that it is called: “A Revolving Door!!”

When I hear that someone has unfortunately contracted cancer, I say:

“This is now a momentous ‘Transformational’ point in their lives”… for…

“There will only be one of three outcomes”…

“They will either do nothing and likely eventually succumb to their demise”…

“Or use conventional treatments, (cut, burn & poison)…

which will only typically buy them some time, and then ultimately

they will also ‘succumb to their demise’”!...

or if they’re lucky, and happen to find someone like me or

 a practitioner which knows about natural effective

“alternative means” for the treatments for cancer…

and if they follow a good protocol, then there is a chance

that they can rejuvenate their immune system and begin

to systemically heal their body, and get on the path toward recovery.

Unfortunately, chemotherapy severely damages the immune system!

and is the complete opposite perspective of protocol than that of a

Naturopathic practitioner as to how to treat cancer!

In Naturopathy we try to “rejuvenate” and strengthen the immune system…


It Is The Failure Of The Immune System Which Is Causing The Disorder!

We do at times use Laetrile, which is a natural organic moderately

toxic form of cyanide. It has a bitter taste to it,

and is found in many seeds to protect them against bacteria,

fungus and birds & bugs from chewing them up.

It also has a function to render genetically weak seeds infertile,

so they will not reproduce any “inferior next generation offspring”.

Fortunately for us, this “genetic sieve” has a similar effect on the

cells in our bodies as well!  It stops the growth of certain kinds of

cancer and pro-tumorigenic cells…

but our healthy cells have an enzyme which breaks it down

into a different compound which is no longer toxic,

and actually is useful to the body!?

I heard a Naturopath speak about an interview he had done with cancer patients,

which had taken chemotherapy for their cancer…  and To A Person!

They all said: “IF I HAD IT TO DO OVER AGAIN…


I experienced my father taking it, and the “horrific” effects he had with it.

The second dose nearly killed him! He was “as white as ghost” and

 could not even get out of bed until the following evening!

He decided right then & there, that – THAT WAS ENOUGH!...

NO MORE!... I’D RATHER BE DEAD!!!... than go through THAT AGAIN!! 

And unfortunately a few weeks later, he was!

for I could see that the chemo treatments had only further

the weakening his immune system… and hastened his demise!

Note: I have also found, (partly from my own experience, I’m over 60 yrs.)

that it is very common to find, as we age, that we tend to acquire more “aches and pains”,

stiffness, sluggishness, constipation, weak digestion…

and tiredness & poor sleeping habits.

Much of this (I believe) comes from our liver just becoming overburdened

and “sluggish” from dealing with all the heavy fats and cholesterol build up…

making our skin “sticky” with these thick fatty (and cholesterol) residues,

and the likely accumulation of gall stones! This all creates an incapacity for

us to feel vital and “refreshed” and renewed from a “good night’s rest”!

This can all be remedied from a quality cleanse and liver flush!

Also… studies are now showing that our “emotional composition”

plays a much greater role in our overall health,

 than we had expected, (or would want!).

Techniques such as: Hypnosis, Transformational Psychotherapy,

 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), “Tapping”, Neuro-biofeedback,

“Theta Healing”, “Access”… and many other similar processes have

demonstrated how releasing our deep seated “programmed” emotional

inner insecurities and struggles, can contribute considerably and

promptly to change our general health…

 more effectively and quickly than my would have imagined!

In fact it is now believed that without a deep “shift” in ones emotional stress level,

one cannot truly have a complete and permanent healing to their disorder!

That being said, I am here to help, and to let you know that

I am also familiar with this challenge as well, and what practices can be

 used to help resolve it. Of course, I would like to be compensated for my

“guidance” from all the learning I have discovered over the years…

but unfortunately I have no license to “allow me” to do anything which

resembles “practicing medicine without a license”.



If you are reading this paper (or website)

This may indicate you are among the lucky ones who have

“accidentlly stumbled” onto someone – (like me)

who has been through this stressful – complicated

and confusing experience and area of study for many years…

and one who can make it much more easily comprehensible to others…

If one is willing to realize that modern medicine has gone in a

“totally off course direction” in the last sixty years or so.


[NOTE: This will probably be the last generation to go along with their

ineffective dangerous protocols - shallow and misguided beliefs

about health treatments… verses genuine “Holistic Healing”!]


Please feel free to contact me at 310-713-1161

Or rejuvanew@yahoo.com

And again, only the best of health for you,

Sincerely, Philip Jones


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to also read this at:




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